Drinking water treatment
Our industrial and drinking water treatment offer includes:
In cases when the information about a selected technology is insufficient or when it is difficult to choose one, we offer pilot study services which can help you decide. We possess extensive experience in that area, supplemented by the support of the pioneers of Polish construction industry and scientific community.
Our drinking water treatment solutions include designing and implementation of:
- Water pump rooms
- Coagulation and flocculation installations
- Filtration installations on high-rate open filters and pressure filters with the use of various filtration media
- Installations for storing, preparing and dosing of carbon powder
- Storage facilities for chemicals
- Drinking water storage facilities – vertical containers
- Gaseous chlorine disinfection installations
- Chlorine dioxide installations
- Disinfection installations for hypochlorite produced on site from NaCl
- Disinfection installations for commercial hypochlorite
- Ozonation installations
- UV disinfection systems
- Curative water treatment systems – for health resorts
- SUW automation

Our offer includes devices for industrial and drinking water treatment purposes such as:
- Dosing pumps and dosing systems across a wide range of outputs and pressures
- Drainage systems for high-rate open filters – the systems are made entirely out of stainless steel or HDPE plastic
- Pressure filters – various types
- PVC, PE, PP and PVDF chemical storage containers
- Vertical drinking water containers up to 200m3
- Chlorine facility equipment utilising gaseous chlorine – chlorinators with accessories, chlorine vaporisers, scales etc.
- Chlorine dioxide generators
- Ozone O3 generators with accessories
- Oxygen generators
- UV lamps
- Control and measuring instruments
Environmental protection